

    Stop the Next Slaughter Now!
    Ensure a future for this year's newborn buffalo.
    At least 1,600 wild buffalo were brutally killed this winter by the Bush Administration and the State of Montana.


    We need your support now to win a new and more humane policy that will protect this spring's newborns from slaughter next winter. Help NRDC Action Fund protect America's last free-roaming
            buffalo herd.

    Dear phil,

    The massacre of buffalo that took place in Yellowstone National Park this winter must never be allowed to happen again.

    More than 50 percent of America's last free-roaming buffalo herd has perished in just six months from a brutal winter, starvation, and wholesale slaughter waged by the State of Montana and the Bush Administration.

    With 1,600 wild buffalo killed in cold blood -- and 700 felled by the long winter -- it was the highest death toll since the 1800s, when these noble creatures were almost wiped off the planet.

    That's why I'm urging you to make an emergency donation to the NRDC Action Fund right now. We cannot let this annual government-sponsored massacre to occur again...ever.

    Your emergency donation will help us end the cruelty now. The NRDC Action Fund is ratcheting up nationwide pressure on the government to end its inhumane policy of killing wild buffalo that wander outside of the park in search of food or to give birth.

    Our campaign is already paying off. The 120,000 messages of protest we've generated to the National Park Service have grabbed its attention. And the State of Montana, acutely aware that Americans are outraged, has just called a halt to this season's slaughter.

    But now the real fight begins: we must win real, long-term protections that will save Yellowstone's remaining buffalo herd from the perennial threat of winter slaughter. And we must safeguard key habitat outside the park where buffalo will be free to graze and give birth without being gunned down.

    Your donation will enable us to launch an all-out national campaign for the sake of buffalo survival. We'll arm national TV outlets with damning video footage of the government's capture-and-kill operation...generate an outcry of public opposition that the government will be unable to ignore...and bring together the best scientists in the field to develop a more humane buffalo management plan.

    Please support our efforts to stop the annual massacre of these noble creatures. Help us fight for a new, more compassionate policy that will allow Yellowstone's buffalo to thrive both inside and outside the park.

    Frances Beinecke
    NRDC Action Fund


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    The NRDC Action Fund is the 501(c)(4) affiliate of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).

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    Hau Kola - Bienvenue ami


    Our Lakota friends on the various reservations of South Dakota have been facing extremely difficult living conditions for a very long time.

    There is no more buffalo hunting, no more teepees installed in the grass moist with morning dew. No more campfires at night, where each and everyone tells how he struck "a blow" on a crow warrior, the hereditary enemy. No more melodious singing accompanied by the drums, while dancers turn, turn and turn… until they fall from exhaustion.

    There are no more white people to scatter away: white people are everywhere. There is no more freedom, no more sacred circle…


     Now there are the badlands, the trailers in which coldness creeps through doors and windows that don’t shut properly, bringing “white death” to the weaker ones, the ones who don't have the strength to fight anymore. There are days and days that wear away at the throbbing rhythm of seasons, when one must kill time, if not kill oneself when hopelessness is too deep, when life becomes unbearable and one prefers to join Wakan Tanka, the Great Spirit.
    There are lots of misery, lots of stress, and lots of sadness... but behind all that...

    ...there is the Sioux nation.

    Still there, still standing, proud of its ancestors who marked the history of their nation, proud of its women and its men who today hold their heads high again for their right to exist and who shout at the face of the world: “See, we are still here”. And it is these women, these men, these children our association wishes to help.

    Our approach is based on two points: love and respect for this people. It is not a matter of changing the face of the world, of believing that everything will change overnight on the Pine Ridge reservation.

    Our Lakota friends are the only captains on board to know how to conduct their political fight and what meaning they want to give to their lives.

    We solely and humbly wish to bring our modest contribution to the improvement of their living conditions on the reservation. We wish to mainly help the children, because they are the most vulnerable ones and because they also are the future of the Sioux nation. By supporting our association, you will join all those who refuse fatalism and who decide to take action.

    We need your help ; our young Lakota friends need your help.

    Together, we have a beautiful humanitarian page to write, for the love of our young friends, to help people who are suffering, to help a nation, a culture not to die out, so that this third millennium sees a positive prolongation in the renewal of this Lakota culture and so that this people can live better on this reservation which once was its land of freedom.

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